• Log in

    Choose which SokoPro you want to log in to by clicking the relevant button.

    SokoPro 2.0 and SokoPro 1.0 are two different environments, which each require their own user account. If you have been invited to a project opened in SokoPro 2.0, you will have received an e-mail with the following topic: SokoPro Project invitation or Welcome to SokoPro.

    SokoBid – In the bidder’s portal, you can see all requests for bids to which you have been invited. You can log in to the bidder portal with the same login ID as in the SokoPro 2.0 version.

    You can use SokoPro in several different languages. Select your preferred language from the top menu on the login page or adjust it in your personal settings after successfully logging in.


    SokoPro 2.0.       

    SokoPro 1.0.       

    SokoPro Bidders' portal